What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs

What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs?

Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs –People use social media to talk to interact with each other, and Instagram is a popular one. You can even send private messages on Instagram but sometimes it becomes hard to understand some features. You might have noticed an orange flag on your DMs but What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs?

In this article we will tell you What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs? We’ll also discuss some scenarios in which you might run into the orange flag and how to use it to your advantage on Instagram.

What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs?

What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs

As an Instagram user, you’ve probably noticed how incredibly useful the Direct Messaging (DM) feature is for staying in touch with your friends, family, and followers.

But with so many messages flooding your inbox, it’s simple to forget about crucial chats. The orange triangle is a useful tool that can assist you in maintaining order and control over your DMs in this situation.

It is simply a way to mark a chat. When an orange triangle appears next to a message thread, it means that you have marked that conversation for later reference. This feature can be used to highlight crucial conversations, follow up on a message later, or simply keep track of your chats.

The orange flag also has the ability to filter your Instagram DMs based on flagged messages and makes it simple to locate those crucial conversations right away. When you need to prioritize your time and attention while managing a large number of messages, this can be extremely helpful.

How Do Instagram Flagged Messages Work?

Messages that you have marked or highlighted are known as “flagged” messages on Instagram. An orange flag icon is assigned to a message or conversation when you flag it, making it simple to identify in your inbox.

Users who receive a large number of direct messages (DMs) and need to prioritize particular conversations or messages will find this feature to be especially helpful. Important business or private messages from loved ones can both be flagged to see it first.

You won’t have to scroll through your entire inbox to find these messages again because you flagged them. It’s an excellent way to keep track of messages that need action, follow-up, or more thought.

How to Flag Messages on Instagram?

Now that you are aware of what the orange Instagram DM flag signifies, it is time to discover how to do so. On Instagram, all you have to do to report a message is:

  • Look through your direct messages in the Instagram app
  • While holding down the chat thread, tap “Flag.”

When a message is flagged, it will rise to the top of your inbox. By re-holding the chat while tapping on “Unflag,” you can also take the flag down.

Why Flag an Instagram DM?

You can keep track of important messages in your inbox by using the helpful tool of flagging an Instagram DM. You might want to think about flagging a DM for the following reasons:

  • Keeping track of which DMs need your immediate attention can be difficult if you receive a lot of them. You can prioritize your inbox and make sure you don’t miss any important messages by marking important messages as read.
  • Flagging a message that needs additional action or follow-up can aid in keeping it in the back of your mind. This is particularly helpful if you get a lot of messages and don’t want to forget about crucial conversations.
  • You can maintain an organized and user-friendly inbox by flagging messages. To find important conversations quickly and manage your inbox more effectively, you can filter your DMs by flagged messages.


Q. What exactly does the orange symbol on Instagram DMS mean?

Answer. Navigate to your Instagram inbox to find the conversations you’ve flagged. After that, choose Flagged from the pop-up menu by tapping the icon to the right of the search box. An orange triangle appears in the top-right corner of flagged messages.

Q. What does an Instagram red triangle mean?

Answer. Although this emoji has many uses, an arrow is one of them. This emoji can be used to alert or warn about something because it is red. This emoji should be used to draw attention to something in a group chat.

Q. Why are flags posted on Instagram?

Answer. To flag someone on Instagram is to make a report about their behavior or content that is against the platform’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.

Q. What does Instagram’s blocked DM look like?

Answer. If you have suspicions, check your direct messages. If you have been blocked, Instagram will hide any message thread you previously had with this person for both of you. You’re safe as long as you can still see your chat. In the event that it does not, you might have been blocked.


In this article we discussed What Does The Orange Flag Mean On Instagram DMs? Instagram’s orange flag is a superhero cape for your DMs, not just a standard flag. The orange flag can assist you in controlling your inbox by allowing you to organize, filter, and prioritize your messages.

Now that you know what the orange flag on Instagram DMs means, you can easily flag your important messages. You can use the flag to keep track of important conversations and make sure you don’t forget about them.

Always remember to use the orange flag only when it’s important otherwise your inbox may fill up with misleading spam messages.

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